Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dear Santa.....

Clark came home with the paper yesterday. He said that apparently the kids at Mother's Day Out wrote letters to Santa. He had this "prepare yourself" look on his face. To my surprise, they were really cute and thoughtful.

Dear Santa,
I want a scooter and Batman, and Bubba wants Spiderman and a scooter.-Cutter Campbell

Dear Santa,
I want your red hat. I want you to bring me some toys. Please bring Cutter a scooter and bring Mommy and Daddy one, too!-Carsyn Campbell

They are having their Christmas Party at MDO today. Hopefully I will remember my camera. I think a certain guy in a red suit is making an appearance. I need my annual "I'm scared to death of Santa" photo.


Tonya said...

Better yet, maybe one little boy will show Santa what the cactus did to him. Hahahaha Now wouldn't THAT be the best picture. LOL
Love ya!

Vicki said...

I LOVE hearing how kids all perceive Santa differently! Brooke so far is still just asking for "Two Presents" and "Snow"....we can handle the two presents, but we will see about the snow!