Sunday, November 1, 2009

Train Ride

Cutter and Carsyn in front of the train we rode. Did I mention they won a costume contest? Their faces were priceless when they realized they won.
Family photo! Even though our train car was air conditioned, it was still a little warm so Owen didn't have his lion top on. Look at all those boys. I'm one lucky girl.

The big boys and their momma having a great time together.

John, Bonnie and Brant. Isn't Brant the cutest thing? He was a pilot. I asked if he wanted to be called Maverick or Goose and he just said No!

Carsyn, Cutter, and Brant.

The boys stood at the window of the train and watched all the people load up on it. They would announce what every person was wearing. Someone asked Bonnie what a devil was and she said "a not very nice person". Boy do I know a lot of those!

How was Owen on this trip? He was great. He ate(like above) or slept(like below) or he sat in my lap and watched all the people go by. He did have a melt down when I left him with his daddy to visit the concession car to get a drink. He was not happy when I got back. Neither was Clark.The train ride almost put you to sleep. Especially if you are a tired parent. Clark and I joked about buying ourselves a ticket for a longer train ride so we could take a nap. It was very soothing. You weren't responsible for driving. Didn't have to be aware of traffic. I can't count how many parents I did see with their seats layed back and taking a little snooze while their children bounced around beside them.

We always joke how our families blend with one another. When we go somewhere, you can't really tell which kid belongs to whom because they all have the same coloring. John and Bonnie are getting a little taste of what a family of 5 feels like.

Of course the Conductor came by to punch the boys tickets. It definately reminded me of Polar Express. We also had a scary ghost story teller, a magician, and people who came by and handed candy out.


Shelley said...

HOW FUN! The boys looks so cute :)

Tonya said...

Oh Summer!!! What a blast that looked like! I love all the pictures and the story you had to go with them. Nice hooter hider too. *wink* I am SO glad the boys won the costume contest. How awesome. But why didn't you wear yours???? :)

Shelley said...

Where did you go to ride the train? Looks like fun!