Saturday, May 3, 2008

Baby Turtle

This is "baby turtle". I found him on Tuesday when I was mowing the grass. You can see by the picture of Cutter holding him in the palm of his hand that he was tiny. Probably the smallest turtle I have ever seen. And since this family has become obsessed with pet turtles ever since Mimi and Pipi bought their house in Stephenville with the turtle yard, the boys had to keep him. So he lived in a feed bucket for a few days with lettuce, grass and water. I finally convinced the boys that he was looking for HIS mommy like they did theirs sometimes and that seems to change their minds about turning him loose. We took him to our tank and he swam off. I think he turned and waved but then just continued to swim. The boys did take good care of him for those few days. They made sure he had plenty of turns on the slide and swing and that he had plenty of water. It was cold water out of the refrigerator but oh well..they were being self reliant.

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